Connecticut Sign and Post Residential & Commercial Agreement & Sign Policies
By placement of an order with Connecticut Sign and Post, LLC it is to be understood that the following terms and conditions will be in effect:
1. Client will be responsible party for payment of all applicable fees as requested on Connecticut Sign and Post, LLC order form.
2. By placing an order with Connecticut Sign and Post, LLC, you give us permission to enter the subject property to complete the job. It is further understood that Connecticut Sign and Post, LLC will not be responsible for any damages made to underground objects. Any damage that occurs while completing an order to sprinkler systems, dog fences, underground piping, lawns, or utilities will be the responsibility of the agent and/or the agents office. It is also understood that it is the responsibility of the agent and/or the homeowner to determine if a utility company(s) need to be contacted prior to placing an order.
3. Client will provide Connecticut Sign and Post, LLC with complete, accurate information for installations and removals including cross streets and property descriptions. In the case of vacant lots it is required that the Client place a marker at desired location of the signage. Any additional trips will be charged accordingly.
4. It is understood that all goods furnished by Connecticut Sign and Post, LLC will remain the property of Connecticut Sign and Post, LLC.
5. Client is responsible for obtaining Owner / Tenant / Home Association approvals before requesting service from Connecticut Sign and Post, LLC.
6. In the event of lost or damaged property of Connecticut Sign and Post, LLC, Client will reimburse Connecticut Sign and Post, LLC for current cost of lost or damaged property. Connecticut Sign and Post, LLC is not responsible for any loss or theft of Client owned signs or riders.
7. Client will make every attempt to assist Connecticut Sign and Post, LLC in recovering signs and sign posts from property. Any additional trips will be charged accordingly.
8. Due to Liability issues only employees of Connecticut Sign and Post, LLC may install or remove our posts. Please inform your clients of this policy. Any additional trips or lost property of Connecticut Sign and Post, LLC will be charged accordingly.
9. Connecticut Sign and Post, LLC will make an effort to fill in at the sign location. Connecticut Sign and Post, LLC is not responsible to make the former location of the sign “flush” with the surrounding area.
10. Connecticut Sign and Post, LLC will make every effort to install signage as requested on the order form within 72 hours of the request submittal except in the case of force de majeure which includes but is not limited to weather and dogs.
11. Should your office or Connecticut Sign and Post LLC, decide to discontinue service, you will be responsible for picking up all office owned equipment and signage, only after all invoices have been paid in full. Connecticut Sign and Post LLC, will remove signs for 30 days after the last sign was installed. After the 30 days has ended, your office will be responsible for immediately returning all posts within 1 week. If no agreements are made to purchase the posts , Connecticut Sign and Post LLC may remove any/all posts that are still up.
12. Should the order form not contain complete sign placement information, the Connecticut Sign and Post, LLC employee will locate sign in front of the address noted on the order form. Any additional relocation requests will be charged accordingly.